Evolution of the Bureau

According to the 1951 Act, the Special Investigation Administration Board along with the Bureau had been under the Ministry of Home Affairs. In 1962, the Revolutionary Council overtook the State power and it dissolved the Special Investigation Administrative Board beginning 1ˢᵗ March 1963 and also dismissed the then Chairman and 4 members of the Board from their duties respectively. The Bureau of Special Investigation became under the direct control of the Ministry of Home Affairs and was embodied into the National Intelligence Bureau. The National Intelligence Bureau assumed the work-distribution of the Bureau and supervised general works and service personnel’s affairs. The administrative obedience was imposed under the Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

In 1972, whole government departments and organizations were transformed to adapt with the mechanism of the State. So also was the Bureau in its set-up. The Ministry of Home Affairs also was reorganized under the new title of the Ministry of Home and Religious Affairs. The Bureau was kept under direct control of Deputy Minister or Minister.

In 2000, the strength of the Bureau was extended, by approval of State Peace and Development Council, up to the amount of 202 officers and 1529 staff, totaling 1731.

In 2014, the strength of the Bureau was extended, by approval of the Cabinet Meeting No. 11/2014, up to the amount of 490 officers and 2102 staff, totaling2592. The Designation of the Head of the Regions/States was promoted from Deputy Director to Director to be in line with other Departments. In 2016, the strength of the Bureau was extended, by approval of the Cabinet Meeting No.15/2016, up to the amount of 521 officers and 2207 staff, totaling 2728.

In 2018, the strength of the Bureau was extended up to the amount of 570 officers and 2276 staff, totaling 2846, by approval of the Cabinet Meeting No.4/2018. The Administration Division was renamed as Administration and Training Division, the Investigation Training School, a supply Section and a Technology Section were established in 2018. The total strengths of the Regions and States Offices and Naypyitaw Office are increased to 131.